The Witch of Fern Island Wiki (2025)

The Witch of Fern Island Wiki (1)

Welcome to the The Witch of Fern Island Wiki!

Welcome to Fern Island! As Abrill, become immersed in the island's culture, uncover its deepest secrets, and master magical trades! Overcome the challanges of the island to demonstrate your mastery of magic and become the most well known witch around!

We're a collaborative community website about The Witch of Fern Island that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started!


  • 1 Compendium (k)
    • 1.1 Lore:
    • 1.2 Recipe:
    • 1.3 Magic:
    • 1.4 Resources:
  • 2 Residents (L)
    • 2.1 Charna;
    • 2.2 Miruta;
    • 2.3 Rogost;
    • 2.4 Cassandra;
    • 2.5 Tesha;
    • 2.6 Ahnah;
    • 2.7 Rebbeca;
    • 2.8 Yutu;
    • 2.9 Urushu;
    • 2.10 Horace;
    • 2.11 Tulok;
    • 2.12 Malbi;
    • 2.13 Patrice;
    • 2.14 Anton;
    • 2.15 Witowir;
    • 2.16 Siemibor;
    • 2.17 Frita;
  • 3 Calender
  • 4 Main Quests (j)
  • 5 Side Quests (j)
  • 6 Commissions (j)
  • 7 Stores
  • 8 Map (m)

Compendium (k)[]

The Witch of Fern Island Wiki (2)

The Compendium is the recipe and guide book inside the game that will help you create and search for items. It exist of 4 Catogories: Lore, Recipe, Magic and Resources.


Here you can find; Tutorials and Information.


Here you can find; Food, Dyes, Crafts, Talisman and Amulets.


Here you can find; Potions and Rituals.


Here you can find; Animal products, Mushrooms, Herbs, Minerals, Fish, Seashells, Flowers, Metals and Vegetables.

Residents (L)[]

In Fern-island there are diffrent residents walking and working. There are also some default tourists walking around.


A cool perfectionist for whom the doctor's jb is too responsible to allow mistakes or wasting time to relax. She is respected throughout Barrow End, With Most of the residents remembering how she helped them or their loved ones.


The right person in the right position. Mayor of Barrow End, an energetic woman who is perpetually close to the people. She always fights to the last moment for the resident's issues, even when the cause is lost in advance.


Not only is rogot a good carpenter, he also runs a sawmill and a construction company. He concentrates hard on his work, which gives the impression that he tries to occupy his thoughts and escape from his other problems in this way.


A woman entering adulthood, with a feity oulook and a sarcastic approuch to the world. She had to become independent at a relatively young age, taking over the "Flower Bee" garden shop after het mother. She seems to harbor secrets, although this may simply be a matter of her character.


A teenage girl going through a rebellious phase, the singer of the band Wilted Roses. She doesn't share enthusiasm for her family values and the culture she comes from, Instead, she sees her future in a musical career.


An emotional teenager full of curiosity wanting to explore the world. She releases her energy on the drums, during rehearsals and concerts of Wilted Roses. In her day-to-day life, she co-runs a fishing shop "Nothern Lights" with her brother and grandmother.


A widely known and popular journalist in Barrow End. She hosts "Fern Hum", both a radio program and a newspaper.


A somewhat phlegmatic young man who is in charge of supplying a fishing shop. He is rather reserved in interpersonal relations, even if he is very concerned about what others think of him. He spends his free time cooking for his family, who are the most important to him.


An elderly man, experienced y life, who takes care of the museum in Barrow End. He is involved in archaeology and is very curious about the world around him. Mainly thanks to him, much of Fern Island's history has been uncovered. As much as he valuess the ancient culture, he also values the culture from which he himself came.


A senile penioner, he owns a farm near the town. His health does not allow him to do as much work as he would like to do, so he will often need help.


A veterinarian living close to the Barrow End. He runs a Tzoru farm and a pet store. He does not support the Apatut tradition of wearing fur and other zoonotic clothing, as he himself considers animals important in his life.


An elegant woman with a great flair for creative clothing design. She runs her own boutique where she sells her creations. Although she respects nature and animals, she feels more connected to people and it is among them where her warmth and optimism are best manifested.


A reserved teenager who, due to circumstances, works at a local market. She seems lonely and avoids conversations and interaction with others.


A baker and barista who work at Sweet Corner. Friendly and rather likeable, despite his awkwardness at reading the air. This and his disarming authenticity sometimes lead to situations where Anton gives advice that is not fully thought through.


Cool in glance and surprisingly calm for his avant-garde teenager appearance. He earns extra money as a bartender at the Labyrinth. He belongs to the band Wilted Roses as a guitarist: if you're very lucky you can meet him when he's practicing outdoors, aside from the band's rehearsals.


An elderly forager who spends most of his time working in the Sacred Grove. He treats Boran customs and traditions as sacred and will not allow them to be taken frivolously. He enjoys giving long lectrures on the Guardians and preaching wise counsel.


Frita values her solitary lifestyle, although she seems to have developed this individualistic character only after she has already decided to live in seclusion. And this is just one of the many scerets she doesn't reveal even to her two friends from the city.


Every "Month/ Season" is 20 days long. There are 6 Seasons; Bloom, Storm, Bask, Harvest, Reverie and Frost. Here you can find what Moon Cycle, Birthdays and how many days the season has left.







Main Quests (j)[]


Side Quests (j)[]

Here you can find your side quests and additional Information about the Quests.

"I believe i can fly!"

"A mysterious letter"

"Tribute to a deceased friend."

Commissions (j)[]

Here you can find the commisions you accepted from the Noticeboard for more Information.


The different stores each give a variety of products.

Flower Bee

Service Outside Of Frita's

Map (m)[]

You can use the map to see where in Barrow End you are, you can use "Set Waypoint" to Show where; you can cut wood, Mine minerals, fishing spots and where Dangerous points are in the map. At the Market you can Buy more stickers and waypoints to add. You can find the houses of residents and stores.

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The Witch of Fern Island Wiki (2025)


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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

Last Updated:

Views: 5809

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.